Set a background video
Set or update the background video of Flat Window Template
This tutorial requires FlatWindow Template
This FlatWindow template downloads the video from your host.
If video in the host has a different size than the downloaded one, then the video in the host is downloaded again (for updating the video).
The video needs to be located under
Uploading a video in your host
The video needs to be an mp4 file
The video name needs to be Video.mp4 (caps sensitive)
We recommend to compress the video to be 50 MB or less and with duration of less than 1 minute. (There is no limit here, but it's annoying to download a 1 GB video, and most of your users never see more than 20 seconds of the video).
Upload your Video.mp4 in the GameLauncher/News/Release of your host
And that's all!
If you want to update your video, you just only need to replace it in your host.
Game Launcher will automatically recognize the change and re-download the new video.
You now can run it to test it!
Last updated