β†ͺ️Using other UI Template

Use your Launcher with another UI

This tutorial requires Visual Studio 2022 with the components installed Installation

Requires to open Unity

Do you want a new templte?

You can buy new templates in the store

Flat Window Template

Using other UI Template

You can skip this tutorial by joining the Github repository.

There the FlatWindow Template is already setup.

This is only required if you bought the Basic Version of Game Launcher or you opened the Unity Package from the Asset Store.

Skip this tutorial if you own the PRO Version or if you are using the Github repository.

  1. Import the new UI Template package to Unity

  2. Extract your new template in a new folder

  1. In the extracted folder, navigate to Core folder and open GameLauncher.sln

  1. Here you need to move GameLauncherCore.dll to the Core folder of this new template

4.1. Import the package Game Launcher from the store and locate the GameLauncher.zip file under Assets/Plugins/Game Launcher/Installation

4.2 Extract it outside the unity project and Copy the file GameLauncherCore.dll under GameLauncher/Core folder

4.3. In Visual Studio, right click on the Solution -> Open Folder in file explorer and Paste the file here

4.4. Add the library as reference. Right Click in the GameLauncher project -> Add -> Project Reference -> Browse ->

Search for the previously copied GameLauncherCore.dll file (You need to locate the current project again) -> OK

  1. In the Solution Explorer, right click on Solution (GameLauncher) -> Rebuild Solution

Open the MainWindow.xaml in the GameLauncher project and see your new template UI!

You now can run it to test it!

And that's all! Now setup the Launcher as usually

Last updated