πŸ…°οΈCustomize News Fonts

Learn how to customize the news and fonts of Game Launcher

This tutorial requires to open GameLauncher.sln in Visual Studio

Open the MainWindow.xaml.cs file

Do not change the SubNews directly in the XAML view. Or it doesn't reflect any change. They are created internally. Use the below tutorial for that.

If you want to change other elements displayed like the text content, image, or title, and other elements, please go here -> Show your News or Changelog

The subnews are created internally in Game Launcher by the function

  • CreateSubNewsElement ()

This functions creates the subnews elements in the Launcher Window.

For editing the News, change them directly in the XAML

These are the SubNews (They aren't the same)

Assign your own font

Insert your new font

The default fonts are in the GameLauncher/Fonts folder

In the Game Launcher Solution Explorer -> Right Click on Fonts -> Open Folder in File Explorer

Move your new font to this folder (.ttf files)

When your new font appears in Visual Studio, Select it

In the Propierties Window set the Build Action to Resource

Using the font in the news

Search for the function CreateNewsElement () or CreateSubNewsElement ()

Look for FontFamiliy and change the path to Fonts/#YourFont

FontFamily = new FontFamily (new Uri ("pack://application:,,,/"), "./Fonts/#Dosis"),

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