
This will be done only 1 time.

Applications required

Make sure Visual Studio has this components installed

Please install the Visual Studio Components BEFORE opening the Game Launcher Solution; otherwise you will get errors in certain cases because the project settings are overwritten.

If you already opened it and are getting errors, delete it and unzip the GameLauncher.zip again.

Game Launcher requires some Visual Studio components

In Visual Studio Installer

Enable .NET Desktop Development

Add these Visual Studio Individual components

.NET 7.0 Runtime (Long Term Support)

.NET Core Runtime 3.1 (Out of support)

.NET Framework 4.6.1 SDK

.NET Framework 4.6.1 Targeting Pack

If you are using a Control Version software like Github, Bitbucked, PlasticSCM, etc... for your Unity Project

Add this to your .gitignore

/[Aa]pp [Ww]orkspace/

/[Ll]auncher [Ww]orkspace/

Video tutorial

Follow these steps

Remember to request Github Repository access by joining Discord.

Follow these steps if you own Game Launcher from Unity Asset Store

  1. Create a new empty project in Unity 2020 LTS

  2. Download and Import Game Launcher Unity Package in Unity

  3. Locate the zip in GameLauncher/Installation in the Unity Package (The zip name varies by the version)

  1. Move and Decompress zip OUTSIDE THE UNITY PROJECT FOLDER

  1. Open GameLauncher.sln in Visual Studio

  1. Right Click in GameLauncher solution and click Rebuild Solution

  1. Open MainWindow.xaml and MainWindow.xaml.cs files

At this point you will see the brand new Game Launcher UI!

Now continue creating the Self Patcher...

Building the Self Patcher

The SelfPatcher is the program that updates the Launcher. If it's not set, the Launcher will not be able to update itself.

  1. Right click in SelfPatcherWinForms -> Build

2. When the build are completed, Right Click -> Open Folder in File Explorer and Navigate to .../Build/Debug folder (or Release) depending your selected Visual Studio Environment

Changing between environments in Visual Studio

3. Copy the SelfPatcher.exe and SelfPatcherCore.dll

4. Open the Patch Manager

If you don't have this program download it here: Patch Manager App Open Game Launcher - Patch Creator.exe

5. In the Manager, Open the Launcher Workspace folder and Paste the files in the SelfPatcher folder

Now upload your launcher files to your host

Upload the content of Upload my content to your host

We recommend Hostinger as Host provider

Use this code to get a discount

https://hostinger.mx?REFERRALCODE=1HIDDEN50 Also, you use Google Drive or any Host to store your files


Setup your launcher depending your host

  1. Create a folder called GameLauncher inside your public_html folder in Host

  2. Upload the content of Upload my content folder to GameLauncher folder

The Upload my content folder is located in the GameLauncher.zip content

To upload your files use your host File Manager or FTP like FileZilla

3. In Visual Studio in the MainWindow.xaml.cs script, paste your host link in HOST_URL

Your Host URL is the location of your GameLauncher files like:



Local Host starts with file:///

Remote Host starts with https:// or http://

That's all!

Set your custom MAINAPP_EXECUTABLE name

This will be the app that will be executed by the Launcher

Setup your Host

We recommend Hostinger as Host provider. Because everything is already setup from the start.

Use this code to get a discount in your first purchase


Your host files must be public available to let GameLauncher reach your files.

Example: https://game-launcher.net/GameLauncher/

Making the host files easily visible

The .htaccess file in your Host allows this type of view Create a file called .htaccess in the root of your Host, and add these lines at the end of the file. (If you are using WordPress it should after #End WordPress) Options All

Next steps

Proceed creating your Launcher!

Deploy your Launcher

Last updated